Many of my other GIFS tend to be quite illustrative and simple. I wanted to test my techniques and create a set of GIF's based on one of their recent Instagram story campaigns.
Each story plays on the title acid brights, and the use of complementary colours are used to accentuate this whilst engaging the viewer.
For the two stories above the focus was on attracting the audience to the product. The ripped paper surrounding the yellow eyeshadow is used to simulate the unboxing of a product, whilst the animation below plays on the popularity of news at the moment and imitates an announcement reel.
The SHOCKWAVE type within the LA.GIRL story is purposefully animated to make the viewer remember the name of the product, so when searched on the website all 10 products appear hopefully encouraging more purchases.
As Jeffree Star is a very popular brand I did not want the animation to overpower the story. The subtle use of the animated stars was done to guide the viewers eye down the piece. I chose to highlight the name of the product in the complementary tone so viewers knew the name straight away. 
The last asset I knew needed to be bold in order to retain the viewers attention. Therefore the use of complementary tones yellow and purple were used to compliment the SUVA eyeshadow shade. The animation of the purple block sliding up was purposefully done to push the viewer to do the same.