The brief : To create an 'at home' bar, which adhere's with current interior design trends, to create a collection of educational assets teaching customers / clients how to create classic cocktails. This is to promote Diageo's clients, during their collaboration with Bar One.

The inspiration for the bar came from the interior trend of minimaluxe, in particular travertine. I sketched up the initial idea, which was to use travertine for the front of the bar, and minimal tiles on the back wall. For video this was a key visual, but less so for the still imagery due to the very close in nature of the shots.
The below shows the final completed set build of the bar, the tiles were swapped out for lime washed walls, as white was too stark. The assets would be used on both web and social, so this needed to be taken into account to ensure the bar was long enough to capture wide enough shots for desktop banners and affiliate ad's.

In total there were 17 cocktails, ranging through all types of spirits. Each had 1 main image, 2 cameos and 1 gif. These were shot over the course of 4 days, and the team consisted of 1 Art Director (myself, 1 mixologist, 1 photographer and 1 prop stylist.
The creative direction was light and airy shots, with the product as the hero. Propping should be minimal, but elude to what is in the drink such as having orange peels or lime wedges present in the background out of focus. Each shot should have a shallow depth of field if possible, to enhance the cocktail being the hero of the piece.
The images below are some of my favourites. After the shoot, a client case study deck was created by myself to collate the stats from the shoot, and show how the assets would look in situ. These can be seen in the mockups, near the bottom of this page.